Sunday, September 16, 2012

I Should Have Called The Police!

Maybe a better name for this story is Cindy's evil date. I am Cindy by the way.
When this story unfolded, I was working as a clerk in a 7-11 store just outside of Boston. Not to sound conceited, but men have always hit on me a lot, so I am sort of used to it in a way. This particular guy seemed really nice, and had been working on me for months before I finally relented. In actual fact, we had actually met in a chat room online about the same time I started working in the store. I picked a crowded public venue to meet him at. I was not about to let anybody pick me up for a first date. It was something that my mother had always impressed on me. We met at a restaurant, and since it was a nice night, we opted to eat outside. Here is where he got a little odd…. first he gives me a a little box of chocolates the brand name was Cindy (my name is Cindy so I thought at first that it was a cute gesture) then he asks me to eat one or two in a strange creepy way. When we finished the hors d'oeuvres he started to ply me with chocolates. Making a game of it by getting me to eat it looking as sexy as I could. I was feeling a bit light headed, and put that down to the wine we were drinking, but was confused because I had only had a sip or two. At the point that we started to eat our entrees, he started to stare at me really closely. It was almost creepy, but for some reason, I was not overly alarmed.
My first sip of wine was really good. But I noticed that after a while that the wine was not tasting as good for some reason. I could not place the change other than the fact that it was not as appealing to me as when I first sipped it.
I was part way through the main course when the entire situation started to weird me out. I made my excuses and went to the washroom to call a good friend of mine to explain the situation. I was worried that maybe I was blowing this all out of proportion. My friend was a bit concerned, but told me to just brave it out because I was most of the way through the date already. She just said to make sure that I did not go anywhere with him afterwards. So I returned to the table and he gives me another chocolate. What did I know at that tender age? I just went with it. I was hoping that it would become funnier. Since I had never had anything like this ever happen to me before, I decided that I would just finish the rest of the date and chalk it all up to experience.
I was feeling a bit shaky about everything, and I nervously took a drink of my wine, that turned into more of a large gulp. As soon as the wine entered my mouth I could tell something was wrong. It was awful! I casually put it down as if I had noticed nothing. I could tell that something was in the wine, and it was obvious to me that he had done it. I was suddenly in the middle of a nightmare! I sat there a bit thinking about what to do. I did not want to tip him off at all. I decided that it would be best to pretend to take a few more sips, so I did so. After about a half hour of stalling and making small talk, I laughingly told him that the wine must be getting to me because I had to go to the washroom again.
I wanted to get out of there ASAP! I had another waiter bring mine over where I could talk to him without being seen from my table. I gave him the skinny and told him I needed help. He had another waiter escort me out the back door to my car while he went back to my table to keep my date distracted. I quickly hauled my butt to my friends house. Luckily she only lived a few blocks away because by the time I got there I was ready to pass out. After convincing my friend I did not need any medical attention we laid down and listened to some music and eventually I fell asleep. I woke up a little hung over, and it was not from the small amounts of wine I had consumed the night before. With a clearer head, it became apparent to me that the scumbag had likely laced my wine and likely the chocolates with some sort of drug. I realized that I had had a close call and was lucky to get out of it unscathed.
When I reflect on that night, I have always wished that I had had the presence of mind to call the police while I was still at the restaurant. I have three excuses for not doing that. The first was that I was under the influence of the drug. The second is that I was young and stupid. And the third is that I was scared out of my wits. In the state of mind I was in, it was all I could do to focus on getting out with my skin intact.  I was lucky that most of the security guards at the mall were friends of mine. I told them about the creep and showed them his picture. For several weeks they kept careful watch and escorted me out to my car. To my intense relief, I never saw hide nor hair of him again.
It took me a while to realize my original mistake. I had put too much information on my dating profile, including my place of work. What a moron I was! The whole night could have ended much worse than it did. I thank my lucky stars that I had a mother who loved me. One who nagged me stupid about the perverts out there and what sorts of care I should take when going on dates.

For more advice with online dating, see the link below:
Dating Advice

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