Saturday, October 8, 2011

Women Prefer Bad Dudes

The University of British Columbia (that’s in Canada folks), did a study of just over 1000 people divided evenly between men and women of all ages, and found some rather surprising results. (American Psychological Association Journal "Emotion")

The study had the people look at pictures of people of the opposite sex who had neutral expressions, looked happy, looked shameful, looked proud, or looked brooding. The participants were asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 9.

All women tended to prefer proud, successful looking men, and younger women also rated shameful and brooding men very highly. For some reason, all age groups were not that attracted to pictures of men who were happy.

Pride tends to convey high status, so it is easy to see the attraction. With the nurturing nature of most women there is a natural tendency to look for a good provider to hook up with. Brooding bad boys are also quite attractive to younger women because in their hearts, they know they are brooding because they have not found the right woman and assume they will help them overcome that fault.

Bringing this back to our cave man days, a man that was a good provider was a good hunter and had a lot of skins around to keep him warm, thus showing his success. A bad ass dude would be able to take the riches from a good hunter, and thus could also provide. Ideally a good hunter who could kick the ass of any bad dude who tried to rob him would be doubly desirable.

Men on the other hand find happiness and laughter in women the most attractive trait, while pride is a turn off. The happiness makes sense, because most guys put up with crap on the job all day and just do not want to face it at night as well.

Women with a shameful expression were also somewhat attractive to men. After all, if they have something to be ashamed about, maybe they can get them in the sack.

Using our cave man analogy again, what cave man in his right mind would want to come home from a hard day hunting animals and find that the wife had already cooked a meal from a rabbit she killed with a stone and roots she had already dug up – makes him look second rate after all.

So what can we derive from this study:

1) For Guys, you need to be a successful looking hard-ass dude with glitter and attitude.
2) For Women, you want to be seen as happy go lucky, never complain, and never put your man down.

For other relationship advice see:

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